Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Book ‘em Dano

The lead story on the local news last night was kind of exciting. CBS has picked up the re-make of the old crime series Hawaii Five 0! The new series will be in the CBS line up this coming fall! For Oahu this means 130 million dollars could be spent on the island during filming and from tourism based on the series. They announced who the two stars will be and only one was familiar to me because he was one of the regulars on the series Lost, which is ending this television season.

So in addition to the numerous movies that are in various stages of production in Hawaii we can now add Hawaii Five 0 to the list. You might be asking who are some of the “stars” who have been or will be filming in Hawaii. Jennifer Anniston, Adam Sandler and Nicole Kidman have been filming a movie in Maui. Johnny Depp and the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean will be on my island this summer for the fourth installment of the pirate movies. George Clooney was here in April filming a movie and Steven Spielberg is said to be coming to the island to film. I may need to schedule some time off so I can stalk some of these film crews!

Back to reality! Did I tell you there were no “bugs” in Hawaii? Man was I wrong! Have you heard of the 757? I’m not talking about the airplane; I’m talking about the cockroach! Thank heavens I haven’t seen one, yet; but I’ve been told about them! I have however, killed my first cockroach in my apartment. And without screaming!!! Yes, Hawaii has bugs and most notably the cockroach. But there are no snakes in Hawaii!

There are more than 40 species of ants in Hawaii and centipedes, usually between 5 to 6 inches in length, can be found here as well. There are several types of mosquitoes in Hawaii but the higher up in a building you live the fewer flying insects you meet! My least favorite insect is also on the island; spiders! But not the brown recluse!!! Luckily several frog and toad species can be found on the islands along with geckos. I’ve seen little geckos playing on the ground and in trees while walking and sitting in the drive through at McDonald’s. The geckos, frogs and toads seem to do a good job of eating the insects and it is considered bad luck to kill a gecko.

And while I’m trying to end rumors about Hawaii I’d also like to caution you and warn you to start reading the fine print! You know the fine print at the bottom of your television screen during commercials. Okay, you need to get your DVR in working condition and record some commercials then watch them back in slow motion. When the fine print appears, freeze the screen and read; you might find it interesting; especially if you plan to visit Hawaii or Alaska.

Take for example the Subway commercials promoting the $5 footlong sub sandwiches. Great offer as long as you don’t live in Hawaii or Alaska. The fine print clearly states “not available in Alaska or Hawaii.” Oh, and those yummy Pizza Hut commercials that blast out all the special prices on different sizes and types of pizzas. Yeah, not in Hawaii! Nor the Dollar menu at Arby’s and I could go on and on. I guess it’s the “price” you pay for living in paradise!

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything on my blog and I apologize to my faithful followers for leaving you hanging and ignoring you. As they say, life happens. I had a great visit with my husband and look forward to sharing some of our adventures in upcoming posts. So keep your internet connection up to date as I just might be posting fast and furious the next week or two! So until next time, love and hugs to "my faithful followers!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mother told me about the life sized cockroaches in Hawaii. Keep up the blogging!